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新华网8月6日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,众所周知,3D打印机非常适合批量生产塑料小物件和有价值争议的微雕艺术作品。但是这项技术真正激动人心的是用户可以突破现有的局限,打印出一些非常吸引眼球的物品,比如一把能演奏的萨克斯管,而且音质还不赖。



    译者:雷曼誉 关涔


The First 3D-Printed Saxophone Sounds Surprisingly Decent

    We all know that 3D printers are great for churning out plastic trinkets and tiny sculptures of questionable artistic worth, but what makes the technology truly exciting is when users push the its current limitations to create something remarkable, like a playable plastic saxophonethat doesn't sound half bad.

    The New York Philharmonic probably isn't going to be placing orders for Olaf Diegel's 3D-printed saxophone just yet, but after just half a year's worth of work he's managed to create a 3D printed sax that sounds like the real thing. The occasional sour note is a result of spots where air manages to escape the instrument, but Olaf is working on getting the last of those leaks sealed so that every note produced by the sax is in key.

    There are 41 nylon components that go into the final, playable saxophone, not including springs for the various keys and screws to keep the whole thing together. The resulting instrument ends up weighing less than a quarter of what a brass version does, and that could very well be a great way to encourage musicians to make the switch. That, and the fact you can print this in any color you want, making it perfect for college marching bands who want to reflect their school's official colors. [ODD Guitars via Gizmag]



学会以发展我国萨克斯事业,加快萨克斯管的发展普及,提高萨克斯管的演奏水平和教学质量为使命,尽快拉动中国萨克斯行业大环境同世界接轨,团结全国萨克斯管工作者和爱好者一道为繁荣和发展我国社会主义文艺事业,满足广大人民群众的文化需求,促进我国社会主义 [更多]